Registration Table Directions



·    Table

·    Canopy

·    Chairs

·    Club sign

·    Price list

·    Club flyers

·    List of available courses

·    Registration forms

·    Clipboards

·    Pens

·    Money for change

·    Whistles for sale

·    Compasses for rent



·    Setup table, chairs, and canopy.

·    Check for all supplies.

·    Know the location of the setter's notes and timer's table.

·    For each orienteer:

-       Ask the orienteer to complete a registration form.  Make sure the form is complete and legible.  The vehicle license plate number is mandatory so we know if someone leaves without checking out at the timer's table.

-       Offer to sell a whistle for $1.  All orienteers must have a whistle.

-       Offer to rent a compass for $1.

-       Collect money and record the payment on the registration form.

-       Advertise the free beginner's clinic.

-       Encourage everyone to volunteer.  We always need help with packing equipment at the end of the meet, picking up controls, and manning the registration and timer's tables.  Offer a $1 discount off today's registration fee for orienteers that agree to volunteer at today's event.  Keep a log of volunteers.

-       Give the orienteer the registration form.  Direct him or her to bring the form to the timer's table to begin.